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NDC Project

Uganda submitted its updated NDC in 2022. The updated NDC presents an economy-wide mitigation target of reducing emissions by 24.7% by 2030 as compared to the business-as-usual scenario. The mitigation component of the updated NDC covers measures in the agriculture, forestry, and other land use,...
Leadership & Experts

Saudah Mwagale, Administrator

Saudah Mwagale has been employed with Climate Change Adaptation Innovations (CHAI) as an Administrator for over five years. Having worked in the areas of research specifically on different projects like TWIGA, CHASA, National Technical Institution (NTI) of the NDC Action Project and many others, I...

Assessment of knowledge, capacity needs and gaps, on the issue of assessing impacts, vulnerabilities and risks of climate change, with an emphasis on gender in Nakasongola District(Uganda)

Click here to Download PDF full Report Climate change increasingly affects many regions of Uganda, especially the cattle corridor where Nakasongola district is located. However, the district has inadequate institutional, human capacity and knowledge for vulnerability assessment, to facilitate planning of adaptation and mitigation measures....
Leadership & Experts

Dr. Sebit Adam Technical Advisor, Agriculture

Engineer Dr. Adam Sebbit, MSc, PhD, is the technical Adviser for Energy at Climate Change Adaptation Innovation (CHAI). Dr Sebbit is an accomplished researcher, author, energy expert and university lecturer. He was a member of the Scientific and Environmental Effects and the Technological and Economic...