Many countries including Uganda lack the technical and human resource capacities to effectively integ-
rate climate change considerations into strategy development and planning at the national level. Uganda, through its Ministry of Water and Environment with support from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and UN CC:Learn, developed the ‘National Strategy and Action Plan to Strengthen
Human Resources and Skills to Advance Green Low Emission and Climate Resilient Development 2013-
2022’ as a coordinated effort to bridge capacity gaps and proactively act on climate change. By formalising the commitment to addressing climate change and outlining key pathways to improve key stake-holder capacities, the strategy has been successful in catalysing the integration of climate change considerations across a wide spectrum of ministries and sectors including the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Education and Sports, the Ministry of Works and Transport, and the Ministry of Tourism.
The strategy constitutes a good practice as it has been developed in a cross-sectoral and collaborativemanner. Furthermore, it has enjoyed sustained political support and entailed the development of targeted trainings materials and capacity-building measures for key sectoral stakeholders.