Uganda is highly exposed and vulnerable to the adverse impacts of climate change. The country experiences drought, floods, landslides, erratic rainfall and/or intense rainfall patterns, and projections estimate that the frequency and severity of climate hazards and disasters is likely to increase significantly. Furthermore, environmental factors negatively impact Uganda’s economy and act as push factors for migration and displacement. Despite growing concern, national policies have been unchanged until recently, when the Government of Uganda launched the Climate Change Act 2021, which mandates the development of a comprehensive Strategy Framework on Climate Change, in addition to Action Plans at both the national and district level. Taking advantage of this momentum and building on previous work, this funding will support the Government of Uganda, as well as stakeholders at the district and local level, to effectively address environment and climate-change induced migration. The project aims to achieve this in three ways. Firstly, it will support policy work being done at the national and district level (Outcome 1); secondly, it will build capacity among government stakeholders to ensure migration is integrated into climate change data collection tools (Outcome 2); and lastly, it will contribute to addressing the impacts of climate change at the local level to ensure that communities have the tools to adapt to climate change impacts in their daily lives (Outcome 3). By engaging with stakeholders at all three levels, the project will ensure that policy implementation reaches district and community levels.